At Herbert Hurd Primary School, we take financial management seriously. We understand the importance of responsible budgeting and financial planning, and we work hard to ensure that our resources are used effectively. Our financial management team is highly skilled and experienced, and they are committed to ensuring that every dollar is spent wisely. We believe that good financial management is essential to the success of our school, and we are proud of the work that we do.
The state currently employs and pays the salaries of less than 50% of our staff. In addition to these salaries, our school receives a small annual grant / subsidy, (currently about 1,5% of annual budget). This is the total contribution from the state. Clearly the income above falls way short of what is required to operate effectively. In order to maintain our standards and facilities, additional capital is required. This is acquired by charging school fees, fundraising, rental of premises, sponsorships, and so on. In order to maintain the excellent standards and facilities that we have and to maintain a favourable teacher: learner ratio, the school relies on all parents meeting their financial commitments. In this regard we are proud that we have maintained a payment rate of greater than 94% over THE PAST FEW YEARS. It is imperative that our parents continue this responsible attitude so that we are enabled to continue providing quality education.
Over the years, Herbert Hurd Primary School has accumulated a high standard of academic, sporting and extra-mural facilities for the use and benefit of our pupils. Most of these developments have been financed by the parents. Therefore, it is essential that all families meet their financial obligations to the school as this financial support plays a vital role in developing and maintaining standards. School Fees are set annually by the parents at an annual general meeting (AGM), normally during October/ November, when the School Governing Body (SGB) presents the budget for the following year. Accounts are issued at the end of each month. These fees are payable to the school via the class teacher, directly to the Secretary or by debit order, and a receipt will be issued. School fees are charged for eleven (11) months of the year only (end of January to end of November).
On enrolling and accepting of your child to Herbert Hurd Primary, an enrolment fee will be levied. This fee is not refundable – it will be used to cover your stationery fee the following year.
The stationery fee will be due on issue of books at the beginning of the year.
Music lessons, Remedial lessons
All monies must be sent to the office in a sealed envelope bearing the child’s name, room number, the amount and the purpose of the payment. Please send the exact amount whenever possible. We trust that the information in this section of the Family Information Manual is comprehensive. However; if there is anything that you do not understand or on which you would like clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
We thank you for your cooperation in making Herbert Hurd an effective and treasured school.
Present School Fee – 2023 (Adjusted annually at the Budget Meeting held in the 4th Term)
A non-refundable deposit is required when the letter of acceptance is received by the applicant's guardian. A portion of this amount will be deducted for the Stationery and Excursion fee for Grades 1 to 3. This is to ensure that we have the required quota of learners at the beginning of the new academic year.
School Fees - 2024
The school fees are R 25 300 per annum. These are payable in advance over 11 months: January to November - R 2 300.00 per month
If school fees are settled in full by 28 February 2023, you qualify for a 5% discount therefore; payment is R 24 035.00 if paid on or before 29 February 2024. There is no additional stationery fee.
Aftercare - 2024
(If required subject to available vacancies)
Aftercare fees are R 1 000.00 per month from Jan. - Nov. for full day (12:45 to 17:30).
Aftercare fees are R 950.00 per month from Jan. - Nov. for half day (12:45 to 15:30).
December fees will be pro-rata and determined in November.
Music - 2023
Music fees are levied subject to your application being successful.
For School Fees
Bank : ABSA Bank
Account Number : 0102 085 1194
Branch Code : 632 005
Please use the following as reference : Child Name and Surname.
For After Care
Bank : ABSA Bank
Account Number : 0101 394 1196
Branch Code : 632 005
​Please use the following as reference : Child Name and Surname.
If you would like to pay via debit order please fill in this form.
Fax to 041 365 4083 or email fees@herberthurd.co.za.